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Target 7 and IELTS

The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a popular English test for those wanting to Enter Universities or for professional jobs when their 1st language is not English.

The test has 4 components, reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

The test gives the test taker a score between 1 and 9, with 9 being the highest, for each component and an overall score for the test.

The speaking component is seen by many people to be the most difficult.

Target 7 courses are designed to help get a 7 for the IELTS speaking component.

Which Target 7 Course is right for you?

Why chose Target 7 or Prices

Target 7 courses

Target 7 VIP

This is a premium course where I work with you one on one.

Usually 1 short lesson a week, lasting 20 minutes.

This is ideal for those that have a little time and want to work towards improving their English and/or getting a particular Ielts score

Target 7 Small Group

The classes usually go for 40 minutes sometimes with a little homework.

If you prefer to work in a small team and help each other, this is the course for you. It is limited to a max of 6 people in the group.

Target 7 Self-paced

If you just want to go at your own pace, you can watch the lesson and send me the activities to review and give feedback. This is ideal for those whose schedule doesn’t allow for regular class times

Coming Soon, Target 7 kids

Target 7 Kids coming soon

Coming soon

Why Chose Target 7

With Target 7 you get me as your teacher.

I have over 10 years experience preparing, students, teachers, doctors and business people for the IELTS test.

I have over 9 years experience as an IELTS Speaking Examiner and have tested over 2000 people.

I don’t get assistants or anyone else to work with you, only me.

If you need a special course, let me know and I will tailor one for you.